Friday, January 17, 2020

The Greater the Crisis, the Greater the Opportunity

I'm learning something about crisis, something I always tried to avoid at all costs.  There are levels.  Think of the radiator in your vehicle.  When that gauge starts moving up, what happens to your thoughts?  I bet the higher the reading, the more attention you pay to it.  And when it blows, you're stranded on the side of the road.  Add some bad weather like the kind we're expecting today, and you have a huge crisis on your hands.  So, maybe you're asking, "Hey Michael, where's the opportunity in this picture you're painting today?"

I'll share my answer using an example that happened yesterday at my day job.  I found out my cushy hours for tomorrow have been modified and that I'm working an overnight shift in order to assist with some post-audit work.  This schedule change put me in crisis mode for a few minutes while I pondered how this was going to affect my life.  I felt the temperature gauge on my internal thermostat suddenly going into crisis mode.  That's when I suddenly saw an opportunity – an opportunity to catch an early morning flight as soon as I punch out and take advantage of three days off in a row, a result of my unexpected schedule change.  I shared the idea with my wife this morning and she encouraged me to go for it.  I'm going to the beach.  And that's how you turn a massive crisis into a magnificent opportunity.  Have a great day.

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