Tuesday, January 21, 2020

What's on the Other Side of Your Obstacle?

That obstacle in front of you may be there for an important reason – to protect you from the unknown.  Have you ever considered who put it there?  Is it possible that your own brain constructed it?  Maybe your friends built it because they're afraid you will change if you ever figure out a way past it?  I know something about obstacles.  Once you discover what's on the other side you will never be the same.  If you really want to discover what's waiting for you, I have an idea for you to try.

Imagine you're already on the other side.  Take a good look around and pay attention to every detail you observe.  How does it feel to be free?  Soak it in.  Ask yourself how you pulled it off.  What did your future self do to escape?  If you really want to be bold, stand in front of a mirror as your future self and look at your face.  Notice the expressions of joy and happiness.  You are glowing.  You are free.  When you're ready to come back, make sure you are armed with all the instructions you need to conquer your obstacle.  Then, get busy.  Follow the instructions.  Let the anticipation of freedom be your inspiration.  Put in the daily effort necessary to break free.  Have a great day.

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