Wednesday, January 8, 2020

All Things New

Jesus said, "Behold, I make all things new."  What does that mean to you?  I have this feeling in my gut that all things new seem foreign to most.  What if you could change one thing today?  If we take the time to look at our daily routines, aren't most days simply a repeat of the day before?  How does one break out of "all things old"?  Awareness is a great starting point.

I'm a big believer in routines that produce consistently positive results.  What may be missing are new routines that can be stacked on top of what is already working in your life to enhance what's already working well.  Or perhaps eliminating old patterns that are preventing you from being your best and replacing them with fresh approaches.  Ask yourself, "is there a better way?"  Seek out something new today.  Be bold.  Be adventurous.  If you're stuck, ask Jesus to give you something new.  Have a great day.

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