Friday, January 10, 2020

'Tis the Season for Healing

It's day 10 of a new year and a new decade.  Does it feel new to you?  If not, maybe today is a good day to take a look at what's hurting inside.  There is no better day than today to give yourself some healing.  Most of the people I know who are struggling are people who somehow got stuck living in the past.  For them, this year is no different from any other.  The best way I know to break free and live for today is to find a way to forgive every person in your life for all the hurt they caused.  I know.  I know.  You earned those grudges you're carrying around.  Letting go means you can no longer complain about how unfair the world is or how much pain you suffered.  The only way you can be free is to stop living in the past.  Come on.  It's day 10.  Please don't let another day go by that is wasted because you refuse to forgive.  Isn't that bag of grudges getting heavy?

Here's another good idea to help you make this your best year ever.  Start praying for the negative people in your life to be abundantly blessed.  And when you see their lives getting better, be happy for them.  Not fake happy.  Genuine, authentic gratitude that your prayers for them are answered.  Make sure that not one single person is on your grudge list.  Let go.  Be happy.  Have a great day.

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