Sunday, January 5, 2020

Day 5

Christmas is behind us.  The new year is five days old.  Some resolutions may already be in the past.  What is your new decade looking like to you?  Is it another repeat of the past decade?  I hope not.  For me, it's like departing from the port and heading into the uncertainty.  The unknown can be a scary place.  The harbor is safe and right now there may be people who hear voices in their heads saying, "I don't feel comfortable out at sea."  Maybe there's this urge to go back to your old ways.  That new body you were dreaming about on New Year's Eve requires more effort than you realized and you feel a temptation to crawl back under the covers.  I have a feeling those voices are going to get stronger as the coastline behind you fades away.  It's like those family vacations when the kids in the backseat kept asking, "Are we there yet?"

I recall watching Lost in Space when I was growing up.  The Robinson family was focused on one thing – going home.  They had an opportunity of a lifetime but all they could see in their future was the rearview mirror.  Imagine for a moment what your life can become if you keep moving forward toward the uncertainty.  Imagine all the potential you have.  Day 5 is the perfect day to decide you're going to stick to your plan to introduce new habits and you're never going back to your old ways.  Fill up your new year with experiments.  Try new things.  Seek adventure.  Tell those kids in the backseat to look out the window and enjoy the view without worrying about how long it takes to get where you're going.  Your brain is a pet and it's time to train your thoughts to sit and stay while you sail into your future on your boat, starship or a Promaster named Lucy.  What you need to focus on for today is this day only.  Your journey is a long one.  Be patient.  Keep moving forward.  If nothing else works today, make sure to reprogram that robot who is flailing his arms while yelling, "Danger, danger, Will Robinson." I recommend you turn the flailing into clapping.  Danger means opportunity. It's the icing on the uncertainty cake.  Go ahead.  Put those 2020 glasses back on from your New Years' celebration and go look out the window in your future.  Isn't it beautiful?  Have a great day.

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