Friday, January 24, 2020

How to Defeat Your Inner Voices

Your inner voices also seem to be loudest when you're trying something new.  If you want to test this idea, think of something you would like to try, like learning a new language.   Your inner voices will begin their interference like an annoying backseat driver.  Your brain may be saying "Sí," while your inner voices are shouting, "No."  If you persist, they get creative.  Their "No" turns into "Mañana."  These voices behave like spoiled children who refuse to eat their spinach.  I know how to defeat these inner voices.  If you're tempted to stop reading, be careful.  You may be under the influence of the inner voices who really want you to get off of this blog immediately.

Still with me?  You're already winning.  The best way I know how to defeat your inner voices is to be the parent.  Step up.  Take charge.  Make a commitment to try something new and stay with it until it becomes a permanent part of your life.  You can do this with any new habit you would like to add.  Make sure you only work on one habit at a time so you don't overextend your willpower.  You need every ounce of focus you can muster to defeat your inner voices.  They are going to be with you for the rest of your life.  Teach your inner voices good manners so they stop interrupting you while you learn new habits.  They will calm down once you show them who is in charge.  Be wary.  If you give your inner voices one iota of influence, they may attempt a coupe.  You need consistency.  Be cautious about your surroundings.  Inner voices love to travel in packs.  If you find yourself around others who let their inner voices run wild, run.  Seek those who are masters of their inner voices and learn from their success.  Have a great day.

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