Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Find Your Sweet Spot

My emotions are a bit elevated this morning while I'm penning today's story.  I'm doing something out of the ordinary.  It may not seem like much to the outside observer but for me it's enlightening.  I'm listening to Hans Zimmer.  The headphones I'm using are a gift from a couple of years ago that I set aside and forgot about.  The music emanating from these headphones is so deep and penetrating that I almost feel like I'm in a different world right now as my fingertips are typing.  My wife popped in and told me her boss phoned her to tell her the interstate is littered with stranded semis from last night's ice storm.  Yep.  Mother Nature has a sweet spot and when she hits it there's this magical combination of water and ice that makes all the trees and surrounding objects glitter like a scene from Heaven.  This requires precise temperatures.  Too warm and you have rain.  Too cold and snow appears.  When the temperatures hold steady at the exact sweet spot for an extended duration you get a portrait of something out of this world.  The Hans Zimmer music is adding the icing to the cake I'm baking inside my head for my book projects.

I'll be driving through the interstate in slow motion this morning on my way to my day job.  The interstate will be deserted except for the abandoned semis.  Here's the strange thing about today – I'm totally 100% anxiety-free.  This is because I took the time to free my mind from my traumatic memory of a past event that occurred when my vehicle slid into oncoming traffic on an icy road.  I found my sweet spot.  My mind is free and I'm out of prison.  Thank you, Hans, for your inspirational music that set off fireworks in my brain this morning.  My emotions are amplified and I feel creative energy surging through my body.  This is the perfect sweet spot to create content that I will deliver when it's out of the oven.  Have a great day and remember to find your sweet spot.

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