Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year

Today is a great day to go fishing.  I plan to fish every day for 365 days.  One of the best lessons I learned about fishing is that you can't catch anything unless you make the effort.  What you catch depends on the type of bait you use, the approach you take and your expectations.  It also depends on your consistency.  Confidence in your abilities to fish plays a significant role as well.  Ask yourself what kind of fish you would like to catch today.    Is it improved physical fitness?  A slimmer body?  Perhaps a family vacation?  Have you ever tried to catch these fish in previous years and failed?  What's going to be different about this year?

Before we get too deep into my fishing story, I would like to ask you to please bookmark this blog and come back regularly for fishing tips.  I can't guarantee how successful you will become but I'm willing to share my failures with you to help you improve your own fishing skills.  There is one fish I've been trying to catch for years and it's the big kahuna.  Actually, this fish looks more like a seven-headed sea dragon who shoots fireballs from its nostrils.  I've been burned to a crisp a few times in prior encounters.  This fish is my debt dragon and I have a plan to haul it in.  I believe the best way to defeat this debt monster is to chop off one head at a time until only one head remains, then it's going to be mano y mano for the final victory.  I'm down to two heads remaining.  If my fishing efforts are sustained, my hope is to cut off one more head by the end of this year.  That will set up an epic battle for 2021.  Once this sea creature is removed for good, I can enjoy a life of sport fishing.

Whatever your fishing plans for this new year may be, please don't give up.  Commit to daily effort.  Be consistent.  Try new bait.  Fish with a friend to be accountable.  If you happen to see some chopped off dragon heads in the water, don't freak out on me.  I'm chumming the waters to attract sharks.  It will make our adventure together more exciting.  Have a great day.

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