Friday, November 1, 2019

Financial Freedom is 28% Complete

10 months down and 26 to go.  The debt reduction game I came up with at the beginning of the year is looking much better now that I'm getting a grip on my personal finances.  The first 7 bogeys were frustrating but I kept making adjustments until I found the sweet spot.  It's official now that October is closed out.  That's the third par in a row which means I paid enough additional principal to reach my preset goals.

Financial independence means different things to different people.  For me, it means I can have more time to explore the world without concern about monthly mortgage payments.  It means I can support good causes without tight budget constraints.  I believe debt discipline now is better than mortgage payments in the retirement years. 

If I want to win my financial independence by the end of the 36 month par for the course game, soon I will need to come up with some eagles.  Each month offers an opportunity to learn new ways to improve my game.  Stay with me during the next 26 months and I'll share my progress with you.  Every day matters.  Have a great day.

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