Friday, November 29, 2019

Head Games

It's the day after Thanksgiving.  Maybe this is the day your body is rebelling because you over-indulged at the table of plenty yesterday.  Those voices in your head appear to make the loudest noises when you suffer setbacks.  I had a feeling that was going to happen after I came home from our Thanksgiving celebration with my wife's siblings.  I had the perfect counter-attack for the voices...meditation.  I shared with my family how I use this kaleidoscope video to help me get my mind in a quiet place and we ended up doing a 135-minute meditation together while digesting our Holiday feast.  The combination of soothing music and vivid colors on our TV screen were mesmerizing enough to quiet the voices of rebellion from within.

I'm learning how to train my voices to "sit and stay" just like training our pets.  Consistency matters.  Sure, there are setbacks during pet training but giving up means the inmates are running the asylum and that's no bueno.  I'm ready to seize the day today and get back on track with my long-term food program.  The body scored a touchdown but half-time is over and today the mind is going to find the end zone multiple times.  My 15-minute morning meditation helped me come up with a winning strategy.  I wish you well with your own head games.  Make sure you tell the body who is in charge.  Have a great day.

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