Wednesday, November 20, 2019

One More Experiment to Try – Negativity Reduction

If you're interested in experiments that may enhance your life, try this one.  I call it the Negativity Reduction Experiment.  As each day passes, I'm becoming a firm believer in experiments because they help you understand that sometimes there's a better way.  It's impossible to discover it if you keep repeating the same daily routine.

Take a look at the world around you.  Explore every area of your life.  Analyze how you spend your time, your money and your talents.  Are you happy?  I mean, really happy.  Do you like your job?  Is it a career you love?  How about the people in your life?  Do they encourage you to grow?  Make a list.  If the people on your list help you to feel more positive, put a + sign next to them.  Do the same thing with your activities.  Anything negative gets a minus sign next to it.  Here's the experiment:

Decide which activity or person is the most negative influence in your life and do your best for the next 30 days to avoid that activity or person.  Keep a journal so you can track this.  If you find yourself happier at the end of the 30 days, move on to the most negative person and repeat.  Stay with this experiment until you have eliminated all things negative or until you no longer see a positive result.

I would like to add one more personal testimonial to this experiment and it has to do with my TV elimination.  Wow!  What a difference in happiness.  The bonus is in my productivity.  Negativity reduction works.  Let me know if you find increased levels of happiness in your life after giving this a try.  Have a great day.

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