Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Par for the Course Helps with Financial Goal Setting

Financial freedom is a game for me.  Ever since creating Par for the Course, a virtual game where monthly goals are measured similar to playing golf, I've become obsessed with discovering clever ways to manage my finances.

I consider myself lucky to be playing this game with my wife because she doesn't laugh when my shots land in the water.  She checked out a book from the library by Dave Ramsey many years ago that inspired us to live like no one else so we can live like no one else.  We've been making progress but have a long way to go.  Dave uses steps to guide his followers to the promised land of financial freedom.  I'm visualizing playing virtual golf to help me fine-tune my spending habits and stay in the game.  Despite major cuts in our budget, like cable TV, swim membership fees, and eating out regularly, we hooked and sliced our way to seven bogeys during the first seven months of this year.  If all goes well, we will finish the final five months of this year on par.  The key now is to remain consistent and keep improving so that I can eventually erase those seven bogeys.  Have a great day.

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