Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Do This When You're at an Intersection

What should one do when at an intersection?  Unless you want to cause an accident or a traffic jam, I believe it's best to MOVE.  Any direction except backward is a good choice.  In life, we all have our intersections and these intersections should be treated the same way...MOVE.  Inaction spells trouble.      Once you get through your intersection, you can evaluate if your choice is leading you to the best possible destination.  A U-turn may be necessary.  That's okay.

I found myself in the middle of a busy intersection this morning and decided to go in a bold direction most would probably refrain from.  I sent an email to the CEO of Disney asking permission to use pictures of Wilson in my book.  I don't know what will happen next but I made it out of the intersection before my own fear could rear-end me.  Perhaps it's time to quit looking in the rearview mirror at that pesky tailgater.  There are some important intersections ahead.  All I can say is, "keep moving."  Have a great day.

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