Monday, November 11, 2019

Dance Your Way to Financial Freedom

It's called the credit debit two step.  In my opinion, it's a fun way to achieve financial freedom.  It's like fighting with fire.  Here's how it goes:

The first step is to charge on your credit card.  Wait a moment.  Stop the music.  I'm already hearing rumblings from beyond the dance floor and I know why.  Like I said, this dance is like fighting fire with fire and you're first step is to pull out your credit card and charge.  Go ahead.  Take that first step.

The second step is a delayed shuffle step to the right.  It comes as soon as your credit card step you made clears pending with your credit card company.  This may take up to three days.  Watch for the signal and make your move with your debit card so that you end up with a zero balance on your credit card.  The trick is to set your bank account up online and link it to your credit card company so your debit payment can be processed as soon as you log in.  My credit card company allows up to two payments a day.

This may look like a slow dance but the beat picks up when you do these steps daily.  You may appear to others like you're dancing a quick shuffle but the moves are actually three days apart.

I hear the rumblings again.  That's okay.  This two step isn't for everybody.  I'm using it to put out the fire that's been consuming my balance sheet for decades and it's working.  In fact, the rewards I earn by shuffling with a no annual fee rewards card are helping me take better vacations without any hangovers from high interest rates others pay when they forget the second step of the dance.  Dancing has never been so fun.  Don't try this at home unless you're willing to always do both steps together.  Have a great day.

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