Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Why Your Goals Need Specificity

How do you handle days when you're driving in the fog?  Not easy, is it?  The same is true when your goals lack specificity.  Vagueness will put you in the fog every time.  The only way out of the fog is to make your intentions crystal clear.

The best example I can offer about making your goals specific is my 'Five Star Lucy' story, a story about building our dream vacation home on wheels.  Although this story is in the early stages of development, the plot is well-defined.  A couple of days ago I decided to add a journal to the budget outline.  There is no doubt I'm dotting the I's and crossing the T's.   I'm documenting my feelings as the Lucy story unfolds.

Fine tune your goals.  Put them under a microscope and examine the details of your plans.  Document the visions as they materialize when you visualize what the finish line looks like.  Artists do this.  Songwriters do this.  Writers do this.  The difference between winning and losing is in the specificity.  The Lucy adoption will take place on 8/08/25.  Her reveal will happen on Thanksgiving Day, 2025.  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.

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