Wednesday, September 4, 2024

It's All About Connecting

 Something happened last week that I overlooked.  8/29 was my 15th anniversary of blogging.  I'm a few days shy of 5,500 blog stories.  What's more important to me than anything is that a couple of you have actually read every story I've written.  This is not about my writing ability as I fully understand I'm not qualified to do what I do.  It's all about connecting with you in spite of my own flaws and weaknesses.  Sharing my life with you like this means I'm fully exposed.  Thank you for that.  Thank you for accepting me.  

I crossed paths with a gentleman yesterday who lived in Kihei on the island of Maui before relocating to his new home in Iowa.  I shared the story about proposing to my bride of thirty-five years on a secluded beach in Kihei.  Our time together was too short.  Before my new friend departed, I pulled out a copy of "Live Long and Prosper," autographed it and wished him well on his journey.  He promised he would share it with others.  That's what this blog is about – sharing.  Each of us has a story.  I'm going to keep doing this all the days of my life.  Stop by and visit any time.  My promise to you is continuous improvement.  I promise to keep showing up every day in good times and in bad.  Thank you for connecting.  Have a great day.

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