Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Two Tips for Boosting Endorphins

What would your life be like if you could do two activities per day that could give you enough endorphins to complete everything on your to do list?  I'm referring to small changes in your routine that are capable of boosting your happiness to off the charts levels.  The first activity can be accomplished in under two minutes while the second activity can be completed in under twenty minutes.  Don't ask me how this works because I'm not a scientist.  Instead, ask me how I feel and decide for yourself if you should give these activities a try for the next thirty days.  I suggest thirty days because that's enough time for you to make this a permanent habit that will bring you joy from the greatest source on the planet – your brain.  Ready?

Activity #1 – The cold shower.  I jump in as soon as I turn on the shower.  It takes a couple of minutes before the hot water flows.  Do this and you will discover for yourself that you suddenly feel great.  There are other ways to boost endorphins although the affects don't last for up to six hours from these quick blasts of cold water first thing in the morning.  It took a while for me to quit screaming during my cold showers but I stayed with it once I realized how great I felt all the way to activity #2 which happens at lunch time.  Since I no longer eat lunch, activity number two fits perfectly into my lifestyle.

Activity #2 – Barefoot in the grass.  One of the casualties of playing outdoor tennis and pickleball is the white feet.  I decided spending twenty minutes a day on my lunch break barefoot in the grass would solve this problem.  It worked.  Not only do I have tan feet, I also have a second surge of endorphins from the afternoon sun exposure.  This kicks in about the time the first dose of endorphins from the cold shower wears off.  I tell my teammates that it feels like I'm just starting my shift even though I'm half way done.

It's time for me to sign off and hit my morning shower.  Sure, it will be painful.  I visualize Howie Mandal asking me, "Deal or No Deal?"  Do I Jump in immediately and freak out for a minute or wait until the hot water comes?  The answer is immediate.  I will suffer the pain for one minute in order to be dealt up to six hours of endorphins.  The same is true at my lunch break.  I will remove my shoes and bask in the sun while giving up all the temptations being offered indoors that most Americans consume without even realizing they are addicted.  Give your endorphins a boost twice a day.  Deal?  Have a great day. 

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