Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Close Encounters

We are all connected.  Some of you reading these stories know what I'm talking about.  These are not random chance encounters.  These are close encounters that could only be found in sci-fi movie scripts.  I have proof.  Last week I met a man who is headed to a wedding in California.  The bride and groom will be wearing Star Trek outfits.  The entire wedding party will also be dressed in Star Fleet attire.  The man I met will officiate the ceremony while dressed as "Q," also from Star Trek.   Imagine the shock on his face when I pulled out a copy of my latest book, "Live Long and Prosper."  He plans to order copies for the wedding party.  

Here's another close encounter for your consideration.  The same week I met "Q" I met a man from Kihie, the place where I asked my wife to marry me on the island of Maui.  His spirit name is Saha which means "one who creates energy to open the heart like a lotus blossom with unbridled and unconditional love leading to ecstatic pleasure."  Our stories of moving to Iowa are eerily familiar.  We both found true love from people rooted in Iowa.  

Happiness does not come from where one lives, it comes from how one lives.   Happiness is derived from finding someone who shares your hopes and dreams.  Thank you, "Q" and "Saha," for beaming into my life and sharing time with me.  And for those of you who remember Kevin Costner asking, "Is this Heaven?"  No, it's Iowa – a place where close encounters happen regularly at my day job.  This is not science fiction although the veil of separation may appear thin at times.  Have a great day.

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