Friday, September 6, 2024

30 Days to Reach 'Five Star Lucy' Checkpoint #1

 If you know where you are going and you set goals regarding how to get there and when you will arrive, the odds of success increase exponentially.  That's what I'm doing with my van build.  Although the acquisition date is eleven months away, the written plan along with specific checkpoints was set up once I decided this was going to be my top priority for 2025.  'Five Star Lucy' checkpoint #1 is 10/4.  Reaching the goal on time means this goal will be 30% funded.  

There is a part of me that wants to jump ahead and build the van now.  The practical side of my brain knows I'm not ready.  I realize I need every free moment of the next eleven months to learn the necessary skills to build Lucy.  My one car garage needs a transformation.  Now that all the clutter has been removed, it's time to learn how to do dust collection in preparation for my tools to build our second home on wheels.  One of the flaws of the garage has to do with the vent from our dryer which spills all the lint into the garage right next to the garage entry door to the kitchen.  I'm going to solve this problem by connecting that vent to a dust collection system I'm going to install inspired by some creative YouTubers.  This system won't break the bank as I will be using a shop vac I already own in the design.  The key is to build the dust collection system now while I have time rather than later when it's time to build the van.  

Checkpoint #1 is rather aggressive.  Checkpoint #2 is even more challenging.  Reaching that milestone on 11/29 means 'Five Star Lucy' will be 50% funded.  Stay tuned.  It's getting interesting.  Have a great day.

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