Monday, September 9, 2024

Happy Birthday to Dr. John Mulligan

 If you were to make a list of the top ten reasons why you are grateful, what people would you list?  I have a feeling most of us would list our parents and our spouses.  What about other names?  If I could list every one of my first cousins on both sides of my family, that list would be far greater than most people could even comprehend.  That's what happens when you are blessed beyond measure.  Most of my relatives prefer anonymity so their names will remain confidential.  Thankfully, there is a first cousin who has given me permission to share his name and today happens to be his birthday.    We are separated chronologically by a mere two months and four days which allowed us to be on a similar path for our elementary school years and beyond.  

There is a Bible story about ten lepers who met Jesus and asked to be healed.  All ten were healed.  Only one came back to say thank you.  The other nine forgot about the miracle they received.  Well, I got a special intervention at a time in my life when I had two strikes against me and it appeared I was headed to an early grave.  Thanks to my cousin John, I am here to today to wish him a happy birthday and to say thanks for being a special inspiration in my life.  Thanks for offering me the 'Caveman Food Experiment' which confirmed your theory my health issues were likely attributed to poor food choices.  Thanks for caring enough to help me improve my ways.  Happy birthday.  May you live long and prosper.  Have a great day.

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