Sunday, September 15, 2024

Biometric Health Screening Results Are In

I visited OnSite Wellness on my lunch break yesterday at my day job.  In my opinion, this is one of the best ways you can measure what is going on inside your body.  Sure, there are obvious external signs, like the size of your waistline, however, blood analysis reveals a more accurate picture of your health.  I wanted to see how my revised eating habits are influenced and I could not be happier about the results.

It is rare to see people in my age group who are 100% free of prescription medicine.  I believe these pills are often used as permission slips for unhealthy foods.  Ask your doctor if pills are the ideal choice or if there are food alternatives that can achieve successful outcomes without the need for pharmacy solutions.  The following results are to show that it's possible to reach optimum levels simply by eating the same way your ancestors did long before processed foods and artificial ingredients were introduced into our food supply.

Blood pressure... 110/72

HbA1c... 5.7%

TC/HDL Ratio... 3.9

HDL Cholesterol... 57

I already know the objections about skipping out on processed foods.  Time is a big one.  For those who say they don't have time to prepare food without visiting fast food establishments, I ask, "What is it you are doing during the day that is depriving you of the time you could use to prepare your own food at home?"

Another big objection is about food addiction, specifically sugar.  I know all about this one.  It doesn't help that food companies hire scientists who do their best to figure out exactly how to process foods so that you become addicted.  If you are hungry every two hours, you are addicted.  

Do yourself a favor and visit your physician if you are overdue for a physical.  Ask for a lipid panel test so you can see for yourself what is going on inside your body.  If you are able to get a biometric health screening, get one.  There is nothing more important in this world than your health.  Have a great day.


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