Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tennis Drills and Dust Collection Today

It's an early morning on the tennis courts today followed by a trip to Lowe's to buy supplies for my DIY dust collection project.  It took twelve years to solve a nagging problem in our garage.  Today is the day that problem will be in the rear view mirror.  Imagine your dryer vents into your garage and spills lint all over the place.  You get annoyed every time you clean up the mess but not annoyed enough to do something about it.  This is a problem for me I'm attempting to fix – procrastination.  I think what I realized is the problem is only going to get worse when I start my van build next August.  That's all I need – sawdust mixed with lint.  Yikes!  

The plan is to connect our shop vac to some hoses and set up a cyclone dust collector for under $20.  I'm going to start small by solving the dryer vent issue first and then expand the dust collector tubing as I add more tools for the future van build.  Happy Saturday.  Have a great day.

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