Thursday, September 5, 2024

Why You Should Never Stop Chasing This Person

 There is one person in your life you will never be able to catch – your future self.  It doesn't matter what you do.  That future version of you will always be elusive.  For example, you think about what you will be like in ten years.  You go through the visualization steps.  You set goals.  You chase that future version of you.  Ten years pass.  Did you catch yourself?  The answer is no.  That future you is now ten more years away.  Some may ask, why try?  

Although I admit it's impossible to catch the future you, that person you are in the future is hoping you never give up on self improvement.  Every choice you make today affects what the future you will become.   What that means is that if you make the best possible choice based on the information you have at your fingertips, you are helping the future version of yourself be someone who makes the world better.  If you stop chasing that person and give up on personal development, the future you ends up deprived of being a valuable contributor.  

Set a goal today to chase the future you.  Decide which version you want to pursue.  Is it you one year from today?  Five years?  Ten years?  This is your daily assignment.  You are on the 'Impossible Missions' team.  You may not be able to catch the person you are in the future but your future you will thank you for accepting the challenge.  Have a great day.

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