Monday, September 16, 2024

How to Reach Consistent 'Blue Zone Sleep'

 A great way to sleep well consistently is to follow the 1% improvement rule nightly.  Top performers do this regularly to maximize their performance in their daily endeavors.  I'm striving to improve my own sleep quality using this method and it appears to be going in the right direction.  Last night I achieved my second highest sleep score ever at 93.  Below is a breakdown of the two top scores for your review.  My hope is that you feel inspired to make sleep improvement a priority in your life.

Here's my two cents on my reports.  I don't use alarms to wake up as I'm doing this naturally unless there is a priority to wake up early to catch a flight or attend an early morning meeting.  I also strive to go to bed at the same time every night.  There are allowances for special activities that keep me up later than normal.  I'm always working on  'go-to-sleep' rituals to help me prepare for falling asleep such as dimming the lights an hour before bedtime.

The sleep records help me determine how introducing new variables influences the actual fall asleep time.  My fall asleep time has been trending in a good direction and I'm gradually falling asleep faster over time.  

I mentioned my interest in acquiring a Samsung smart ring that was released recently.  The $400 price tag is a fair one as they do not charge monthly subscription fees that add to the overall costs.  I'm waiting on the sidelines for a special price before I jump in.  My smart watch does what I need although there are times when the report is inaccurate because it doesn't always record a second sleep period.  The smart ring would eliminate abnormal recordings.  The good news about smart rings is they can be counted as health purchases so I will get a reimbursement via my health savings account.  It looks like a smart ring will be in my future soon, maybe Black Friday, the one year anniversary of my smart watch purchase.  

Thank you for reading my stories.  I would love to hear what you are doing to improve the quality of your sleep.  Please keep me informed.  Have a great day.   

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