Thursday, September 12, 2024

Show Me the Money

The vision board I created for Lucy shows pictures of all the necessary tools I need to build my dream vacation home on wheels.  What's lacking on the vision board is the plan to fund the tools.  That plan is spelled out on my 'Timeline for Lucy' which sets up specific time targets for raising the funds for the van build and tool acquisition.   It's vital more my wife and me to do this van build without taking on personal debt.  So, maybe you're asking, "Where is the money?"  This is where my credit union is playing a role.  You've heard it said, "It takes money to make money."  That's what we're doing.

Our credit union is currently paying 5.5% for 7 month CD's.  This rate of return may not be as high as the stock market but it serves a short-term purpose.  The two biggest tool purchases I need to make to build Lucy are a table saw and a miter saw.  I want the table saw to be portable so our one car garage will be able to accommodate a vehicle when I'm not in van building mode.  The mitre saw will be placed on a yet -to-be-built fold up wall mounted work table.  Both of these tools can be purchased for about $500.  That means I need to buy enough CD's by January 8 to have the money available seven months later on August 8, the time target for buying Lucy on the resale market.  If my math is correct, I will have $500 from the interest earned on the CD's.  This is critical because without the tools, Lucy cannot be built.

Some of you reading today's story may be thinking that this van build idea is a lot of work.  It is.  In my opinion, the relentless pursuit of any goal requires much sacrifice.  Goal achievement requires making changes to your daily routine.  I've decided to have fun achieving my goal of adopting 'Five Star Lucy.'  For me, the journey is where the magic happens.  There is much learning ahead.  When Amazon says, "Show me the money," on 8/8/25, I will.  When the seller of our dream van says, "Show me the money," I will do that as well.  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.

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