Thursday, May 7, 2020

Why the One Day at a Time Strategy Works

Life can get really complicated.  I do my best to keep it simple.  My strategy is to live one day at a time.  Dwelling on the past only adds to the stress of what's happening today and I really don't have time for that.  The reality is I only have enough energy to take care of today's challenges.  If I start pondering future challenges, I find myself draining the energy I need for today and that contributes to increased anxiety.  When life gets really tough, I break it down even further.  Instead of looking at the entire day, I go thirty minutes at a time.  That's it.  Thirty minutes.  I ask myself, "What do I need to do to get through these next thirty minutes?"  It comes down to specific actions limited to the moment in front of you.  Nothing else matters.  Thirty minutes is a small enough block of time to handle.  Try it.  Make sure you end the day with enough time to get eight hours of sleep.  Keep going.  You can do this.  Have a great day.

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