Friday, May 29, 2020

Take This With You Wherever You Go

There is one essential item you need to take with you wherever you.  You can't see it or touch it.  It's intangible.  Without it, you will live in misery.  When you have it, you must guard it because you can lose it in a heartbeat.  The best way to keep it is to never lose it.  This is your peace.  I'm really serious about this.  These days, it seems like everyone is trying to steal it.  Look around and you will see what I mean.  

If you could measure your peace right now on a scale from one to ten with ten being maximum peace, where do you find yourself?  Examine ways to get raise your score.  Maybe today is a good day to cut out toxic situations.  Perhaps there are toxic people in your life you need to avoid.  Daily meditation may help you become aware of the situations causing you to lower your peace score.  One word of caution about changing your peace score.  Raising your peace somehow causes those without any sense of peace to become annoyed.  They will do everything in their power to rob you of your peace and the more you hold on, the more they will fight.  Treat your peace like a precious gem and cherish it.  I'm cheering for you to keep your peace today.  Have a great day.

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