Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Trade-in Value of a Grudge

For some, there is no trade-in value of a grudge.  It's theirs.  They earned it and there's no way they're ever going to sell it, trade it in or let go of it.  I'm a value guy.  I like to weigh the costs of certain things in my life, like opportunity costs.  There are costs associated with taking action and taking no action.  There are costs of holding on to things and letting go of things.  Take a look at your most treasured grudge, the one you've been holding up like some kind of trophy you won when someone you trusted did something so terrible to you that you will never ever forgive them.  Your grudge is your way of telling the world how despicable this other person is.

You may think it's better to keep the grudge since it appears to have no trade-in value but I disagree.  In fact, I would gladly pay someone else to haul my grudge away just to get it out of my sight.  My grudges are like condemned buildings that are no longer safe to inhabit.  Once these buildings are removed, I can renovate my soul and enhance my life.  Forgiveness is freedom.  That's why Jesus is so important to me.  He died for every grudge I own.  I traded them in for eternal life.  If he can let go of grudges while he's dying on a cross, I think I can do the same thing while I'm drowning in grudges.  They weigh too much for me to carry and I'm better off just letting go.  Try letting go of all your grudges today.  Have a great day.

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