Saturday, February 2, 2019

Why Attitude Matters

Your perception of what's going on around you matters more than what's actually happening.  Some people see the worst in every situation while others see learning opportunities, chances to improve performance or even enhance their lives.  Those who see the worst give up too soon or don't even bother to try.

Our recent polar vortex episode is an example of why attitude matters.  Those who believed this was going to be the worst weather event ever were right about their perceptions.  And those who decided they were going to make the best of the situation were also right.  My loved ones believe I have every reason to lock myself up in conditions like these.  After all, it was one year ago that I nearly lost my life in a close call with an oncoming vehicle traveling at 50 mph when I slid over the line on an icy snow covered highway.  Locking myself up is no way to live my life to the fullest.  That's why I boiled water and opened the sliding door long enough to take a video of what happens when you throw the boiling water into the air with a -40º wind chill.  Here's the video...

The temps hit a new record of -46º degrees with the wind chill the next day in my hometown.  I used my time to figure out how to bypass my frozen drain pipe connected to my washing machine and got the job done for under $10 without having to call a plumber.  I made sure to start my Ford Escape enough times to keep the battery alive and it never failed.  Some who look at my video may believe they could never live in conditions like these.  They're right.  I'm learning that Mother Nature isn't capable of defeating me and she's probably at her limits in her abilities to challenge me.  She may appear to be an unstoppable force but I believe my attitude is an immovable object.  Yes, attitude matters.  Have a great day.

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