Monday, February 4, 2019

The Balancing Act

I know my life is out of balance when I do my laundry and there aren't enough tennis clothes in the pile.  The challenge is to find a way to schedule the fun while working enough to pay the bills.  Sadly, I meet people on a daily basis who tell me they don't have time for vacations.  The truth is we all do what's important to us.  These are our priorities.  Imagine yourself on the last day of your life and you're looking at how you spent your time.  Do you  think you might regret working so hard on your career while neglecting all those opportunities you had for more fun in your life?  It's not too late to re-evaluate how you're spending your time and refine your balancing act.

While you're juggling,  ask yourself why you're not allocating more time for your family.  Is it because of the money?  If you look closely at your spending habits, you may find lack of money really isn't the problem – it's lack of discipline on how you spend.  I'm finding there is so much less to juggle when I let go of the balls that are unnecessary in the family budget.  And this week when I do laundry I'm going to be really happy seeing all those tennis clothes in my load.  Keep practicing with your balancing act and don't stop until you get it right.  Have a great day.

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