Monday, February 11, 2019

10 Power Words to Maximize Your Life

Master these ten power words, commit them to your daily vocabulary and maximize your life.  You deserve to live in abundance.  The choice is up to you.  Here goes:

  1. Consistency.  Champions win daily with consistent habits.  The early morning rituals are the most important because they set the tone for the rest of the day.  Make your first ten minutes count with steady practices that set you apart from the people who are only willing to win part-time.  
  2. Dependability.  Be the person others count on when they need help.  Your family is your inner circle.  Make sure they know you will always be there for them no matter what.  Do the same with your friends, co-workers and others you come into contact with.
  3. Honesty.  Do the right thing every day, every time.  
  4. Wisdom.  Learn from your mistakes.  Challenge yourself to be smarter today than you were yesterday.  
  5. Forgiveness.  Practice this daily.  That grudge you're holding is costing you happiness.  
  6. Happiness.  Be happy in all circumstances.  This includes snow days, blizzards, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, sick days, and any other days that may try to get the best of your attitude.
  7. Rest.  Rest before you get tired.  Take a 15 minute break every two hours.  Sleep 8 hours.
  8. Relaxation.  Let go of any stress you're feeling.  Close your eyes when you are feeling uptight and imagine yourself in your favorite happy place.
  9. Reward.  Treat yourself to something fun.  Reward yourself for sticking to a plan or finding a better way to manage your tasks.
  10. Exercise.  Walk.  Choose the stairs instead of the elevator.  Do something physical for 30 minutes every day.
These ten words are a part of my daily life.  They don't mean anything unless you practice them.  Daily use will make you a better friend, co-worker, parent, child, spouse, leader, etc.  Have a great day.

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