Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Sacrifice Now or Sacrifice Later

Sacrifice has different meanings for different people.  Some treat it as a four letter word.  Others view it as a down payment on an extraordinary life.  I see it as the veggies in my daily meal.  I happen to enjoy eating my veggies.  Why?  Maybe it's because my taste buds changed when I stopped eating all the wrong foods.  Perhaps it's because I liked how my body responded favorably when veggies became my main food source.   What it comes down to is I know daily sacrifice is vital to living the dream life.

Some people may think I'm crazy for setting goals so far into the future.  I'm doing everything I can today to help my body go the distance to age 100 and beyond.  I'm following an exercise regimen to keep my body fit enough to play tennis and compete in the oldest age group available for my preferred sport – the men's 90's national doubles tennis championships.  For me, skipping the daily sacrifices now means sacrificing my long-term dreams.  Sadly, many of my opponents won't be around in the year 2050 to compete because they didn't make the necessary sacrifices to get there.  Sacrifice doesn't have to be a dirty word.  Make it part of your vocabulary.  Have a great day.

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