Friday, July 3, 2015

Ingredients of a Smile

The other day I sent my wife this text message:  I feel good, I feel fine, I feel this way all the time.  The quote once hung in our shower and I read it every morning.  This helped me get through some tough times.  It works, especially when you put on a smile.  It's the best weapon I know to defeat all the negativity in the world.  If you're struggling to put on a happy face, here are some ideas to consider:
  1. Eat more protein.  This is necessary to increase serotonin and dopamine levels in your brain which positively influence your mood.
  2. Exercise.  I'm talking about pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion.  Seek out the "runner's high." This also triggers increased serotonin in your brain.
  3. Take a walk in the sunshine.  It's another mood enhancer.  
  4. Think happy thoughts.  It works.  I don't really know why but when I think about happy memories I really do feel good, I really do feel fine and I pretty much feel that way all the time.
Have a great day.  Smile.  You have all the ingredients you need to be happy.  I hope you feel this way all the time.

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