Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Note to the Class of '15

You've done it.  You crossed the finish line.  This chapter of your life is over.  Congratulations.  Celebrate.  You earned the right to join the ranks of high achievers all over the world who crossed the finish line.  The world is waiting for you to make a difference.  I would like to acknowledge family and extended family members from the class of '15, including our daughter, Nicole – the first in our family to graduate from the University of Iowa, our son, Shane, who graduated last month from boot camp and infantry training, our niece, Amy, who graduated summa cum laude from Arizona State University, and our high school graduates – Adam, the future tennis pro, Micaela, a finalist in a national cheer competition, and Nico, my godson who will be attending the University of Arizona next year.

I challenge you and the rest of your class to commit yourselves to a lifetime of learning.  This chapter is done but it's only a chapter.  There are blank pages ahead of you.  The choices you make and the opportunities you pursue will affect future generations.  This is your time.  Seize the day.  And if you ever fall down, remember one thing.  You have a dad, uncle or godfather who knows how it feels when the best laid plans fall apart.  This is where you get a chance to show the world what you're made of.  This is where you will learn your most important lessons about character, perseverance and faith.  No matter how tough those future chapters may be for you to compose, don't ever give up.  Stay in the race.  Live your dreams.  I'm cheering for you.  Congratulations.  God bless you.

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