Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Best Way to Say I Love You

The ten day count-down to our 25th wedding anniversary begins today.  My wife has no clue what we're doing.  It's a secret.  Her probing questions go unanswered.  I believe there's no better way to tell her I love her than action.  Actions are what back up the words.  I know her love language well.  For my wife, it's all about acts of service.  That's why our anniversary celebration is a great way for me to show her how much I love her.  Every detail in the planning is an act of service she will appreciate.

I celebrated my birthday yesterday with my wife and our youngest son at Adventureland.  It's Iowa's version of Disneyland, the happiest place on earth.  My wife took my hand and we strolled through the park for hours.  That's my love language – physical touch.  It's the best way for her to say I love you.

Our son felt some love yesterday, too.  His love language is quality time.  Every time he saw us sitting in the bleachers for his football games and his wrestling matches we were silently telling him, "I love you."

There are two other love languages your loved ones may prefer you to use – words of affirmation and receiving gifts.  If you are serious about learning the best way to say I love you, find out which of the five you need to become fluent in.  Here's a link to help you discover the best way to say I love you.  Click here.

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unexpected miracle said...
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