Sunday, December 1, 2013

Make This Month a December to Remember

It's official.  December is here.  The snow birds in my new hometown already migrated to other parts of the country.  They're missing out on a White Christmas.  For our daughter, the opportunity to be with us and celebrate December in the snow is a dream come true.  Wherever you may be, my wish for you is that you make this month a December to remember.  Here are some ideas to help you create some memories that will last a lifetime:
  1. Visit a resale shop and pick out something for your home that makes a statement.  My wife and I found the perfect addition to our Holiday items  – a small sign that reads Comfort and Joy. We like it so much that we plan to keep it up year-round.  Total price:  99 cents.
  2. Re-arrange your furniture to highlight your favorite Holiday decorations.  This was our family project yesterday.  By the time we were done, we found a way to make our manger scene the focal point in our basement where we spend most of our time.
  3. Keep your decorations up for the entire month.  The three kings didn't show up until the Epiphany on January 6.  So why do all the Christmas decorations come down so soon?  Savor the whole month.  If your Christmas tree is turning into a fire hazard and you have to toss it out as soon as Christmas is over, at least leave your manger scene up until the three kings visit Jesus on January 6.
I have to admit I'm feeling giddy today.  Although our first Christmas in Iowa last year was really special, there was one thing that felt out of place.  We left our family Christmas tree behind in California when we departed  and moved to Iowa nearly two years ago.  My wife found a replacement tree but it just didn't have the magical feeling our Costco Christmas tree gave us when we first purchased it in the early 90's.  When our oldest son relocated to be closer to us, he brought the tree with him.  Yes, I felt the magic again when we put it together yesterday.  And I won't be taking it down until the Epiphany.  This will be a December to remember.  How about you?  What memories are you creating this month?  Please share your comments below.

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