Friday, January 6, 2012

Savoring the Sunsets

Welcome to day 6 of the New Year.  The regulars at the gym are wondering if you're coming back.  Those little voices in your head are tempting you to abandon all those goals you made when this year started.  Your body is mad at you for skipping out on those empty calories you indulged in last year.  It's crunch time.  What can you do today to keep your resolutions?

Here's an idea that may help you turn this year into a break-out year:  change the screen saver on your computer.  The sunset you see above was shot on the first day of the new year in La Jolla.  I decided to redecorate my laptop with new wallpaper and this image now appears every time it's opened up.  It reminds me to savor the sunsets.  The bird flying in the left side of the photo symbolizes the Holy Spirit.  Every time I look at the bird, it reminds me of the promise I made myself to keep the faith.  My nephew is in the lower right side of the picture, staring at the sun.  He is my reminder to stay close to my family and friends, to keep my eyes on Jesus, the Son of God.

This picture will be my constant reminder to savor every sunset in the New Year and to keep my resolutions about faith, family and friends.  Small changes in your life, like changing your screen saver, can lead to bigger changes.  Feel free to use this picture if you are looking for a way to savor your sunsets.

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