Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pass the Mustard Seed, Please

The best gifts in life are the ones that get used.  My all-time favorite is my Webber BBQ grill my dad gave me before he passed away.  For most of my twenty-two years of marriage, I avoided the kitchen like it was some kind of sick ward at a hospital.  All of that changed recently when I handed over my work duties to my business partners due to a slow-down in our business.  In order to keep our business alive in these challenging times, I'm the one who volunteered to move off the company payroll.  I'm fortunate to have the best business partners in the industry and my company is in good hands.  Now, it's time to use my hands to create new recipes.

While I search for the next step God has already prepared for me in this new year, I'm finding my way around the kitchen and learning how to cook.  There is one ingredient in the pantry I plan to sprinkle on every meal I serve my family - the mustard seed.  It's barely visible, even when I look at it using my new reading glasses.

Jesus teaches that if your faith can be the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.  A mustard seed may be the tiniest of seeds, however, it's capable of growing into something so large it attracts onlookers from far off.

The New Year's baby has barely opened his eyes and I already see what a blessing he is in my life.  At last, I have everything I need to do some great cooking, indoors and outdoors.  Yes, faith will be my go-to condiment and I will keep it stocked up.  There's a new cook in the Mulligan household...and if you listen closely, you can hear him saying, "pass the mustard seed, please."

Stay tuned for more updates.  And if you're one of those people like me who is facing change, here's a video to offer you some encouragement...

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