Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year ~ 2012

There it is.  An empty canvas...waiting for you begin filling it up with new visions and dreams.  You earned the right to paint a new picture by virtue of all your past experiences.  The dark colors, along with the bright ones are what make your own masterpiece so special and unique.

Will the picture you paint this year be a repeat of what you did last year?  Or will it be about new adventures and experiences?  Avoid the trap of making resolutions you know have no real future and instead look at the blank canvas in front of you and "see" the opportunity.  Resolve to bring that picture to life every day of this new year.  You are the only person capable of turning your dreams into reality.

My top resolution for the New Year is to finish building my sand castle, The Caveman in the Mirror.  There are no distractions at 5:00 AM and I plan to play in my sandbox at least one hour per day until my manuscript is complete.  Each day, my accountability partners check in on my blog to make sure my 8:08 morning post is published.  They are like the Maytag repair man sitting around waiting for the service call.  Make sure your dreams are so durable that a service call isn't necessary.  The only broken dream is one that gets tossed in the dirty laundry and doesn't make it through the full wash cycle.

Surround yourself with Maytag accountability partners and promise them your commitment to painting your own dreams will be steady and reliable.  Then, get busy on your life's work.  In the blink of an eye, this year will be over.  Happy New Year.

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