Friday, March 24, 2023

Returning the Favor

Funerals are difficult.  No matter how much we seek the silver lining there is still a void when we gather to say goodbye one final time.  Today I would like to share the silver lining from my uncle Tom's celebration of life in Arizona recently.  If you don't know any of my relatives, being around them is like consuming megadoses of dopamine.  I almost felt guilty being so happy at a funeral.  I was fortunate to get one-on-one tips with my uncle that helped me be a better person.  I wanted to pay him back but he insisted that what would bring him joy is if I instead paid it forward.  As sound as this advice is, I'm going to depart from uncle Tom's request for one very special person in my life, my mother.  She is quietly waiting for me to write this story in her guest bedroom so we can visit over breakfast.  I just hope I don't embarrass her too much.

Have you ever heard of a life quake?  I read about a physician who experienced this and it was so bad he gave up his practice.  Depression set in.  He had no clue how to break the cycle.  Some people call it by another name – midlife crisis.  I experienced one of these in my early fifties.  It seems long ago when I shared my challenges with mom.  She listened intently as I spilled the beans.  Once I was done spewing she gave me what I call the "half-time talk."  It's what great coaches do in the locker room when the team is floundering.  Something happens.  The players see the light.  They respond on the field.  It's amazing do watch.  That's what happened to my life.  All my mom did was share how she overcame against all odds.  My five siblings and I are who we are today because of our mother.  She simply never gave up on us.

Thank you, mom, for inspiring me.  I'm so thankful to have thirty days with you in Iowa.  Tomorrow I will resume my "pay it forward" duties inspired by uncle Tom.  Today it's all about returning the favor from your half-time talk.  Thank you for clearing your calendar for a full month so we can enjoy your company.  Have a great day.  P.S, If any of your grandchildren should ever need a half-time talk, I'm going to steal your words you used to get me back on track.

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