Sunday, March 12, 2023

Are You a Frog in Hot Water?

I made a mistake.  While helping out in Verona, Wisconsin at my day job my watch battery died.  No big deal.  I searched for a new battery and found what I needed.  I have an old school triathlon watch I have preferred using since my sprint triathlon days of my youth.  Unfortunately, there is no access to the battery unless you have expert tools.  I found a computer geek at Best Buy and he restored my watch with one caveat.  "Your watch is no longer waterproof,"  he said.

Flash forward to my Arizona visit for my uncle Tom's funeral.  I stayed in my childhood home with my mom.  Temps were near perfect, especially for someone like me who resides in a cold, snowy climate.  Her swimming pool was so tempting.  I longed to swim and dipped my toes in the water every day while sunbathing.  Then it happened.  My cousin Joe from mom's side of the family dropped in on my second to last day and we visited in mom's backyard.  I told him about my desire to swim and he told me he would join me if I was serious.  I headed for the deep end and took the polar plunge.  The moment I hit the water I realized I was still wearing my watch.  Yep.  It was no longer waterproof.  My new triathlon watch arrives later today.  

The mistake I made is similar to the frog in hot water.  As the story of the frog goes, if you drop him in boiling water he jumps out.  Smart frog.  If you drop him in my mom's swimming pool at 60º he may be cold but he will be okay while Mother Nature brings some added heat, one degree at a time.  Let's say you slowly add more heat to the pool and it eventually becomes dangerous for the frog.  According to the story, he won't notice until it's too late and he boils to death.

Are you a frog in hot water?  What is going on in your life that may be slowly killing you, one degree at a time?  Toxic relationships that are approaching a boiling point?  Poor food choices that are adding pounds around your waist?  Skipping out on worship?  Maybe it's been years since you stepped foot in your house of worship.  If this is so, your eternal life may end up hotter than that frog in hot water.  This is permanent.  All I'm asking you today is to measure the temperature of your surroundings.  Look inside your head while you're at it.  Are your thoughts slowly becoming negative?  If so, take a polar plunge.  Just make sure your watch is waterproof.  Have a great day.


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