Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Do This When You Lose the Wind in Your Sails

You know the scenario.  Life is good.  The sun is shining.  It seems like every area of your life is golden.  It's  smooth sailing.  Then, something happens.  The wind ceases.  There you are in the middle of the ocean.  Still.  The first time this happened to me I was terrified.  I like action.  I thrive on the fast pace.  When nothing is happening I feel like a fish out of water.

Today's story is dedicated to the type A personalities who live in the fast lane.  Consider the idea that when you lose the wind in your sails perhaps this is for you benefit.  Sounds absurd, doesn't it?  What about all those deadlines?  How in the heck are you going to complete your projects if you're frozen in time?  I firmly believe you can use the quiet times in your life to your advantage.  Stop judging your self-worth on your accomplishments.  Embrace the quiet zones.  They happen to be blessings.  

My life changed when I discovered I can sail anywhere I want to go without any wind.  This is through the art of meditation.  This has become so important to me that it's the first thing I do in the morning before sunrise.  No wind.  No noise.  No interruptions.  No people.  No to do lists.  Nothing.  This is quite refreshing.  Once I return to planet earth I find I'm in a peaceful state for the rest of the day.  I'm ready when the winds pick up.  I don't worry which way the winds are blowing or if there is no wind at all.  The truth is none of us control the wind yet we act as if we do trying to force things.

We are expecting a high of 54º today.  That's 20 degrees warmer than yesterday.  Like the wind, the temperature is also outside my control.  It seems like a lifetime since it's been this warm in my home state of Iowa.  All I can say to you today is I'm thankful it's heating up around here.  I'm excited for Spring to arrive soon.  Perhaps the time period leading up to this when the winds in my sails seemed non-existent has prepared me for what is to come.  Just remember to leave worry behind when you set sail.  Have a great day.

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