Saturday, June 11, 2022

Time Warp

 Greetings.  You can cancel the missing person alert.  I just returned from a time warp.  Yep.  I was visiting with my wife.  It was a deep conversation.  I shared highlights of my trip to Arizona.  She kept telling me, "You better get going.  You're gonna be late."  I got up to go downstairs and write my story in time for Sunday service when she said, It's 9am, aren't you supposed to be at work."

"It's Sunday," I replied.

The wife is always right, especially today...On Saturday.  I'm at work now.  Yes, a bit late.  I confessed this to my dad's youngest sister, also named Helen.  "What is my penance for being late to work"?  I asked.

Aunt Helen said it's between me and the Lord.  By the way, Sunday is also an exceptional day.  Just wait.  You'll see.  Break's over.  Time to get back to work.  Have a great day.

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