Monday, June 27, 2022

Meet Kim and Randy

What does the American dream look like to you?  If you reside inside the borders, you may have one perception.  And if you happen to be on the outside looking in, perhaps another.  A long time ago one of my first cousins decided to change his venue.  He deported himself south of the border.  That's when everything changed.  He decided to help others through his musical talent and his generous heart.  I got an invitation to join Mark on a mission trip to Guatemala.  The dates were already booked and I declined letting him know I would be interested to go at a later date.  It's not the type of vacation most people would consider, especially since the amenities are practically non-existent, at least through the lens of human eyes.  

Jesus cautions that our ways are not God's ways.  Sure, there are hints.  If you can get past the first layers of stories and discern the deeper meaning, perhaps you can see why my cousin sees the world so differently.  So do Mark's friends.  I haven't met many of them due to my geographical separation from Mulligan's Island.  Mark responded to one of my FaceBook posts about playing tennis on the rooftop in Wisconsin.  He commented that his friends, Kim and Randy Tews, live in Verona where we are opening a new location at my day job.  It's highly likely these folks have a different idea about the American dream than how we were taught growing up.  I sensed God was trying to get my attention through Mark's friends and the work they do so I ordered a copy of Kim's book.  Warning.  If you read this book you may change your idea of the world and how you fit.

Would you like to meet Kim and Randy?  Maybe you could meet Mark, too.  They are birds of a feather.  Here's a couple of ways to get started.  Check out  If you are looking for new reading material, order a copy of Kim's book, Tears Water the Seeds of Hope.  If you get the opportunity to meet these folks, make sure to ask who their favorite acoustic guitar duo is who sing Jimmy Buffet songs.  There's a chance one of these men undeported himself and snuck into a roadside bar and grill in Wisconsin to sing a song or two for Kim and Randy.  Small world, huh?  I hope to meet Mark's friends when I return to their hometown next month.  Have a great day.

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