Thursday, June 16, 2022

Buckle Up

 Do you sense another storm on the horizon?  I'm not talking about Mother Nature.  This storm is something else.  This is the kind of storm that can wreak havoc on those who aren't ready.  I'm probably a bit more sensitive to the signs than most because of what I've weathered in the past.  Like The Great Barrier Reef, the more pounding you get the stronger you become.  This is a good time to prepare for the challenges ahead.

If you don't have an emergency fund, set one up today.  Stock up on food that won't spoil in storage.  Fund an emergency account.  Pay off your bills.   If the storm should pass quickly, pat yourself on the back for your preparedness and take a deep breath.  Should the bottom fall out, be sure to keep your budget tight until the sun comes out again.  Whatever you do, don't be afraid.  Have a great day.

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