Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Is it Time to Get Uncomfortable?

It's within our nature to seek comfort.  The cars we drive.  The clothes we wear.  The situations we seek.  Aren't most of these a result of seeking comfort?  I believe there is a problem with getting too comfortable.  Comfortable people don't change.  Why change when your world is exactly the way you want it to be.  I have one thought for you to consider regarding your comfort zone.  What about the people around you who are uncomfortable?  They may not be visible to you because you're so darn comfortable that you don't even think about this.  

Change never happens until you reach a point where you find yourself uncomfortable.  Sorry.  This story may make you twinge a bit.  Consider for a moment the people in your life who unnerve you.  Maybe there is this deep hurt in your past and you are doing everything in your power to forget about it so you can be comfortable.  If there are people in your past or present that you need to forgive but this thought makes you uncomfortable, I want you find a way to get uncomfortable and revisit the moment you were hurt.  Here comes the most difficult part.  Ready?  Forgive.  You don't have to face the person directly to get the maximum benefit out of this uncomfortable situation.  All that is necessary is to forgive the person who hurt you.  Let go of every grudge.  

You may be challenging me on this.  Maybe you're not ready to get uncomfortable.  Just think about it.  You will never be the best version of yourself you can be until you decide to get uncomfortable and forgive those who hurt you.  If the list of people and hurts happens to be lengthy, make a list.  Write all the names down.  You can attack the list any way you want.  You can start with the deepest hurt first or the least painful hurt.  Keep going until you cross off every name and every hurt.  Do this properly and then you can enjoy real comfort.  Have a great day.

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