Saturday, November 30, 2019

2020 Vision

Here we again.  Another New Year is only one month away.  Do you have a vision for 2020?  This may be the first year that I don't set specific "resolutions" because I'm already on cruise control for 2020 and beyond.  For me, 2020 will be the middle year in a three-year plan.  Lifestyle goals are better than resolutions because they are much more permanent.

There are challenges when you set goals based on January 1 and there are certainly letdowns when those goals fade away before the month ends.  Gyms are overcrowded at the beginning of the year.  If you are serious about setting fitness goals, why not start now?  You could be in much better shape by January 1.  I like building on momentum.  I also like going against the norm.  Right now most people are in party mode and they're not paying attention to what they eat.  You can break the cycle now by making great food and exercise choices today.  You will be thirty days ahead of the pack when the calendar flips to 2020.  Be bold.  Improve your vision for the future today.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Head Games

It's the day after Thanksgiving.  Maybe this is the day your body is rebelling because you over-indulged at the table of plenty yesterday.  Those voices in your head appear to make the loudest noises when you suffer setbacks.  I had a feeling that was going to happen after I came home from our Thanksgiving celebration with my wife's siblings.  I had the perfect counter-attack for the voices...meditation.  I shared with my family how I use this kaleidoscope video to help me get my mind in a quiet place and we ended up doing a 135-minute meditation together while digesting our Holiday feast.  The combination of soothing music and vivid colors on our TV screen were mesmerizing enough to quiet the voices of rebellion from within.

I'm learning how to train my voices to "sit and stay" just like training our pets.  Consistency matters.  Sure, there are setbacks during pet training but giving up means the inmates are running the asylum and that's no bueno.  I'm ready to seize the day today and get back on track with my long-term food program.  The body scored a touchdown but half-time is over and today the mind is going to find the end zone multiple times.  My 15-minute morning meditation helped me come up with a winning strategy.  I wish you well with your own head games.  Make sure you tell the body who is in charge.  Have a great day.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds ~ Psalm 9:1

Today is a great day to pause and give thanks.  If the story of my life were to be summarized in one Bible verse, I think Psalm 9:1 is spot on.  I believe I will never ever run out of blessings to be thankful for or wonderful deeds from above to share with you.  My heart is filled with gratitude.

The longer I live, the more I realize there is a Divine plan for each and every one of us.  Is it easy to figure out what that plan is?  I think it depends on how much gratitude we have in our hearts.  Gratitude helps us open our eyes to infinite possibilities.  It doesn't matter where you're from, how many trials you've endured or how many times you failed.  What matters is that God is with you every step of the way and He's ready to reveal countless wonderful deeds in your life.  Happy Thanksgiving.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Do This When You're at an Intersection

What should one do when at an intersection?  Unless you want to cause an accident or a traffic jam, I believe it's best to MOVE.  Any direction except backward is a good choice.  In life, we all have our intersections and these intersections should be treated the same way...MOVE.  Inaction spells trouble.      Once you get through your intersection, you can evaluate if your choice is leading you to the best possible destination.  A U-turn may be necessary.  That's okay.

I found myself in the middle of a busy intersection this morning and decided to go in a bold direction most would probably refrain from.  I sent an email to the CEO of Disney asking permission to use pictures of Wilson in my book.  I don't know what will happen next but I made it out of the intersection before my own fear could rear-end me.  Perhaps it's time to quit looking in the rearview mirror at that pesky tailgater.  There are some important intersections ahead.  All I can say is, "keep moving."  Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Par for the Course Helps with Financial Goal Setting

Financial freedom is a game for me.  Ever since creating Par for the Course, a virtual game where monthly goals are measured similar to playing golf, I've become obsessed with discovering clever ways to manage my finances.

I consider myself lucky to be playing this game with my wife because she doesn't laugh when my shots land in the water.  She checked out a book from the library by Dave Ramsey many years ago that inspired us to live like no one else so we can live like no one else.  We've been making progress but have a long way to go.  Dave uses steps to guide his followers to the promised land of financial freedom.  I'm visualizing playing virtual golf to help me fine-tune my spending habits and stay in the game.  Despite major cuts in our budget, like cable TV, swim membership fees, and eating out regularly, we hooked and sliced our way to seven bogeys during the first seven months of this year.  If all goes well, we will finish the final five months of this year on par.  The key now is to remain consistent and keep improving so that I can eventually erase those seven bogeys.  Have a great day.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Imaginary Line

The imaginary line is a boundary line we all have that prevents us from reaching our dreams.  Once upon a time, explorers chose not to venture too far away because they believed the world was flat.  That's a powerful imaginary line.  Runners believed a four-minute mile was impossible.  The imaginary line disappeared as soon as Roger Bannister broke the barrier.  As soon as we come up with this idea that something is impossible, we erect one of these imaginary lines and we become incarcerated.

Is your world flat?  Do you really believe in imaginary lines?  What would your life be like if you could break through a false barrier your mind constructed?  Challenge yourself to find at least one imaginary line your mind created and erase it from your memory.  Have a great day.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I Can't Shake the Travel Bug

It looks like the travel bug is going to be with me for a long time.  The more I travel the stronger my desire to see the world gets.  Maybe it's because I love meeting new people and experiencing new cultures.  It's also about the scenery.  Modern concepts like Airbnb and Uber make travel more affordable.  I'm thankful my wife wants to join me on these adventures.  These experiences will give me some fun topics to share in future stories.  Stay tuned.  The travel bug is opening some doors to exciting adventures ahead.  Have a great day.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Watch for the Triggers

Today's story is about anger avoidance.  While driving to my day job yesterday, a semi driver in front of me decided to pass another slower-moving semi driver and changed lanes before I could pass.  He slowed down to match the other driver's speed and remained in the passing lane for several miles.  A line of vehicles formed behind me and the driver behind me decided to tail-gate, pinning me in.  I could feel my blood pressure rising.  This was a sign of a trigger.  Instead of getting angry, I decided to go into prayer mode.  I moved back to the slow lane.  The tailgater moved even closer to the semi still blocking traffic on the left lane.  Both semi drivers seemed oblivious to the angry drivers wanting to pass.

How often do you see the triggers in your day that occur before you lose your temper and all hell breaks loose?  For me, triggers are a great opportunity to keep your cool if you become aware of them in time.  Use the triggers to remain calm no matter what others do to disturb your serenity.  They are like caution signs.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 22, 2019

777 Days to Financial Freedom

My date with destiny is now 777 days away.  It's getting really fun now.  I love finding creative ways to live in abundance while wiping out my mortgage at the same time.  There are those who believe you must forego exotic travel and credit card spending in order to achieve goals of living debt-free but I disagree.  In fact, my credit card serves as a rewards card and I use it for everything.  The key is to make sure the money is in the bank before a charge is made so that all payments are made prior to the due date to ensure no interest is ever paid.  The tables have turned in my household.  I take exotic vacations annually compliments of my rebate checks from my credit card company.

How many days do you have until you reach financial independence?  Set your goals now and find a way to have fun while you're advancing.  Your daily efforts will pay off.  Have a great day.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Par for the Course is Game Changer

The first seven bogeys out of seven months on my virtual debt reduction course made me feel a bit queazy.  The only way out was to keep playing and keep improving until I got it right.  This month is my 4th par in a row meaning I have a shot at finishing the 36-month game very close to my initial target.  As I review my performance for the first eleven months, one pattern emerges.  It really comes down to the minor adjustments.  It's amazing how close we can get to our goals when we stay in the game long enough to develop winning habits.

I'm learning how to be a winner at financial freedom by eliminating anything causing me to hook or slice, such as cutting out costly cable bills, reducing unnecessary add-ons on recurring bills, and concentrating on more home-cooked meals.  I created a second direct deposit account specifically set up to make additional mortgage payments and this money is hidden from our regular budget.  Keeping this account stealth prevents me from the daily temptations that detract from my debt reduction goals.  There are 25 months to go and I'm going to keep chipping, driving, putting or doing whatever is necessary to finish this game on par.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

One More Experiment to Try – Negativity Reduction

If you're interested in experiments that may enhance your life, try this one.  I call it the Negativity Reduction Experiment.  As each day passes, I'm becoming a firm believer in experiments because they help you understand that sometimes there's a better way.  It's impossible to discover it if you keep repeating the same daily routine.

Take a look at the world around you.  Explore every area of your life.  Analyze how you spend your time, your money and your talents.  Are you happy?  I mean, really happy.  Do you like your job?  Is it a career you love?  How about the people in your life?  Do they encourage you to grow?  Make a list.  If the people on your list help you to feel more positive, put a + sign next to them.  Do the same thing with your activities.  Anything negative gets a minus sign next to it.  Here's the experiment:

Decide which activity or person is the most negative influence in your life and do your best for the next 30 days to avoid that activity or person.  Keep a journal so you can track this.  If you find yourself happier at the end of the 30 days, move on to the most negative person and repeat.  Stay with this experiment until you have eliminated all things negative or until you no longer see a positive result.

I would like to add one more personal testimonial to this experiment and it has to do with my TV elimination.  Wow!  What a difference in happiness.  The bonus is in my productivity.  Negativity reduction works.  Let me know if you find increased levels of happiness in your life after giving this a try.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Spiritual Boot Camp Yields Bumper Crop

I planted some seeds earlier this year and the harvest appears to be fruitful.  My time away from home gave me the opportunity to refine my new habits and make them a permanent lifestyle.  In a way, the journey was a spiritual one.  It's hard to describe but I felt this Divine presence in my life.  There's absolutely no way I could have planned everything that happened or the "random" people I met who touched my very soul.

You may be asking, "Michael, what seeds did you plant?"  Here goes:

  • Books.  Nine of them so far this year.  Each one deeply impacted me.  Currently, I'm in the middle of "The Art of Uncertainty." I find it as a compass to help me go in the right direction.  My mother pointed me to an interesting author, Dr. Joe Dispenza.  His words comforted me while I was in Minnesota.  "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself," and "Becoming Supernatural" were filled with all kinds of interesting ideas which inspired me to meditate daily.  One of my day job colleagues offered me a free copy of "The Slight Edge." I found it so inspiring that I ordered additional copies for our adult children.  My wife is reading "The Happiness Project," something I discovered earlier in the year and gobbled up after reading "The Surrender Experiment."  I found some nice morsels to nibble on while reading "Get Over Your Damn Self."  John O'Leary offered up some great pointers in his book, "On Fire."  Dan Millman lived up to his promise of changing lives in his book, "Way of the Peaceful Warrior."
  • No TV while away on my day job assignments.  My only exception to this was game 7 of the World Series.  You will understand the importance of this when you read "The Adventures of Wilson.  This freed up time to read and fill my mind with new ideas.
  • Travel.  I can't wait to share more about the people and places I met in my next book.
  • Tennis.  My time away from my regular teammates gave me an opportunity to discover new ideas about a game I've been playing since my high school days.
  • Beach Tennis.  Yep.  There's a sport that combines tennis and volleyball and I fell in love with it on one of my adventures.  I'm hooked.  Hey cousin, we must try this sometime.
  • Daily meditation.  This new part of my life is part of my morning routine.  Sessions go from 15 minutes to two hours depending on the size of my daily tasks.
  • Limited social media time.  I often find myself getting lost reading random stuff that really serves no purpose other than to distract me from other high priority items.
  • Writing.  Yeah!  I'm finally back on my laptop.  Today's lengthy post is my first time using it and it's so much better than blogging on my cell phone.  I'm super motivated to keep going until both book projects are completed, edited, and self-published soon.
This entire year has been one fabulous spiritual boot camp.  The new habits are sticking.  I'm living proof you can reach any goal you set as long as you plant the right seeds, nurture them and harvest them at the right time.  Thanks for staying with me on this journey.  I can't wait to share my next books with you soon.  Have a great day.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Thankful to be Home

My wife gave me an amazing homecoming last night.  When they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, they're right.  She stepped up to a fancy red wine to serve with a home-cooked Italian feast and it was fabulous.  I'm going to rest for a couple of days before rejoining my team at my day job.  Have a great day.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Honey, I'm Coming Home

Today is a travel day.  My two-month special assignment has come to a conclusion.  It's been a great experience, however, I do miss a good home-cooked meal and snuggling with my wife.  I would like to thank her for giving me the opportunity to contribute to an extended period of time away from home.  I'm thankful to have a couple of days off when I get home to get back into my routine.  Have a great day.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Day Job Special Assignment Ends Today

I'm going home tomorrow.  Today is my last full day away from my family.  I'm counting my blessings today.  My time away from home helped me to stretch outside my comfort zone and I plan to return equipped with new ideas to be a better spouse, dad, employee and member of my community.  I've been surrounded by talented people who have this desire to improve and they inspired me to grow.  Thank you, Eagan, for welcoming me into your community.  I look forward to coming back with my wife and family and visiting you in the future.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Grand Opening Today at Day Job

The ribbon-cutting is at 8am.  I find it hard to believe how quickly the time passed these last two months on assignment at my day job.  I'll be heading home on Sunday to be reunited with my family in Iowa.  Today is the first day we are open to the general public and we're super excited to be open.  I will never forget all the new hires who joined our family and I'm forever thankful for the opportunity to share my experiences.  Special thanks go to my wife for running the household in my absence.  Have a great day.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

It's VIP Night at Day Job

We have a Grand Opening at my day job tomorrow morning at 8am.  Tonight our bosses are coming to town to thank all the new employees for their efforts to open a new location in the Minneapolis area.  I've been here for two months to help as support staff and I'm really thankful for all the new friends I made.

Before the celebration begins, I'm hoping to attend a meeting this morning with some amazing people I met who run a charity involving refurbishing wheelchairs and giving them to needy patients who cannot afford them on their own.  Wheelchairs are collected, sent to prisons for refurbishing, and then given away.  Today looks like it's going to be memorable.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Where's Wilson?

A familiar face will be missing when I release "The Adventures of Wilson."  Yep.  The main character, Wilson, who dribbled into my life when he was left behind at my day job won't be in any of the pictures.  In fact, if all goes according to plan, Wilson will be out of my life next year.  This is bitter sweet for me but it's the right thing to do.  Wilson never belonged to me although he won over my heart as well as countless strangers who I met on this amazing journey.

I'm in the final stages of the mountain climb.  It's coming together quickly.  It feels really strange to be editing Wilson out of the photos but this is necessary in order to avoid legal complications since I did not receive the permission I was seeking to use Wilson's image in my book.  The empty feeling I have inside while writing today's story foreshadows how my life will be when I finally give Wilson back to his rightful owner.  My sadness will turn to joy when those sick kids at Children's Hospital get their reward for my efforts.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Recycling a Cover Photo from "The Caveman in the Mirror"

The photo you see here will be a part of all future books.  I decided to recycle it for my independent publisher label, Caveman Miracle Network.  Behind the label are all the prayer warriors who have been with me, some since the beginning of my writing journey.  It started with "Angels in the Outfield," a small group of friends and family members who lifted me up when I was stumbling, fumbling and doing my best to figure out how to navigate the world of publishing.

Recycling is a big deal for me because I'm one of those people who believes in prudent choices to maximize my lifestyle.  I love shopping at second-hand stores, using coupons and finding ways to save money in every area of my life.

That caveman you see in the logo has been haunting me for a long time.  I couldn't get him out of my head while penning my first novel.  Well, it turns out this guy is much more than some fictional character from "The Caveman in the Mirror."  It turns out that there's this place in Northern Spain where some bones were uncovered in a cave not far from my mother's side of the family.  Those bones are 7,000 years old.  An artist was hired to create a model of what this guy looked like, a dark-skinned, blue-eyed hunter gatherer whose DNA is the oldest recoverable DNA ever found.  I have a feeling he's a distant ancestor.   So, I will carry this caveman with me everywhere I go in the world of publishing and I'll always be reminded of the amazing team of people around me who believe in me.  Thank you!  Have a great day.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Dance Your Way to Financial Freedom

It's called the credit debit two step.  In my opinion, it's a fun way to achieve financial freedom.  It's like fighting with fire.  Here's how it goes:

The first step is to charge on your credit card.  Wait a moment.  Stop the music.  I'm already hearing rumblings from beyond the dance floor and I know why.  Like I said, this dance is like fighting fire with fire and you're first step is to pull out your credit card and charge.  Go ahead.  Take that first step.

The second step is a delayed shuffle step to the right.  It comes as soon as your credit card step you made clears pending with your credit card company.  This may take up to three days.  Watch for the signal and make your move with your debit card so that you end up with a zero balance on your credit card.  The trick is to set your bank account up online and link it to your credit card company so your debit payment can be processed as soon as you log in.  My credit card company allows up to two payments a day.

This may look like a slow dance but the beat picks up when you do these steps daily.  You may appear to others like you're dancing a quick shuffle but the moves are actually three days apart.

I hear the rumblings again.  That's okay.  This two step isn't for everybody.  I'm using it to put out the fire that's been consuming my balance sheet for decades and it's working.  In fact, the rewards I earn by shuffling with a no annual fee rewards card are helping me take better vacations without any hangovers from high interest rates others pay when they forget the second step of the dance.  Dancing has never been so fun.  Don't try this at home unless you're willing to always do both steps together.  Have a great day.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Every Mile Matters

Marathon runners know what it takes to get the job done.  First, there's the commitment to train.  It's all about the mind, body and spirit.  Training can be mundane but it's necessary.  Preparation is critical.  The beginning of the marathon is easy.  Somewhere in the middle of the race, the mind, body and spirit have "conversations."  The tougher the challenge, the more negative those conversations tend to be.  This is also what it looks like when you're a writer and the finish line seems so distant. 

I'm not a marathoner but I know what it's like to log the miles on my daily blog and my book projects.  Yes, every mile matters.  Every sentences matters.  And every challenge must be overcome, especially the internal ones inside my own head.  

I love the person who's willing to go for it all, like the student who has so much zest for life that he tells his guidance counselor he's taking on a double major or he's graduating in three years because an awesome life is waiting for him once he graduates.  I'm one of those people who looks at a couple of sharks in the water and asks, "why not chum the waters with some extra appetizers for the naysayers to go after and write two books at the same time?"  This really gives those people who don't know how to get things done something to attack.  All I need to do is be one mile ahead of my opponents and cross that finish line before I succumb to mediocrity.  

Wherever you may be on your race course, my advice to you is to keep going.  Don't worry about your workload.  Stay hydrated.  Remain focused.  Find a couple of fellow marathoners who are willing to encourage you when exhaustion sets in.  Every mile matters, especially the one you're on at this moment.  Have a great day.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Walt Disney Inspires

Have you ever heard of Oswald, the Lucky Rabbit?  The character was one of Walt Disney's first creations.  A corporate dispute forced Walt to give up his rights to Lucky. He also lost employees as a result of the dispute.  It was devastating.  Most people would have given up.  Not Walt.  Instead, he created Mickey Mouse.

Like Walt Disney, I got a devastating punch earlier this week and it was from the highest levels in Walt's company.  I thought my Wilson project was going to end up in the trash compactor.  Thank you, Walt, for inspiring me to never give up.  Sometimes you have to change directions when your lucky rabbit disappears in an unfortunate hat trick you have no control over.  Stay tuned to see what happens to Wilson.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Doubt Zone

Have you ever found yourself in a place where you feel uncertain?  Similar to the Twighlight Zone, the doubt zone can raise your anxiety levels if you're not wary.

I like to ask myself where I think my doubts are coming from.  A lack of preparedness is a surefire ticket to the doubt zone.  There's an easy solution.  Get prepared.

The one I follow is always suggesting that we stop being afraid, another byproduct of the doubt zone.  But how do we do this?  Maybe we can work on trusting that God has a plan.  The doubt zone is more like a hallway that connects us to our future.  It can also serve as an elevator that will bring us to the right floor at the right time.

I thought I was finally going to visit the penthouse a couple of days ago but the elevator got stuck between floors.  I sensed some hyperventilating and didn't know what was going to happen.  I ended up in the basement.  My mind started playing tricks on me.

Don't let your time in the doubt zone trap you.  Breathe.  Pray.  Be patient.  When the right door opens, show the world what you can do.  Have a great day.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Future Self Sends Encouragement

I'm sharing a letter from my future self today...

Dear Michael,

Hello.  It's your future self.  It's a good thing you like scifi because this letter came to you in a way most people could never believe is possible.  This letter is to thank you for never giving up even though this is the day you were tempted to give up on your dreams of publishing "The Adventures of Wilson."

That rejection letter you got really hurt, didn't it?  Although it was a long time ago from my point of view, I still remember the sting you felt when you first read that email.

I wish I could tell you how you pulled it off but that would spoil the surprise.  Keep writing.  Someday you will discover how good it feels to see things from my point of view.  Have a great day.


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What are the Odds?

There comes a point when you realize the strange coincidences around you may be something out of this world.  I started noticing this early in the year and now the coincidences are so overwhelming that I can't even fathom the odds.

What are the odds that when I ask a stranger sitting next to me at an airport to share something about his life that may be worth including in my book and he says, "well, my partner and I may win the Nobel Prize for medicine"?

What are the odds that the person standing next you while you're tossing around your friend, Wilson, the volleyball from Castaway, that you discover she's a high school volleyball coach and she asks you to speak to her kids?

What are the odds of meeting the mother of a future World Series champion in a restaurant called the Mustard Seed with a server named Eli and you become her prayer warrior?

What are the odds of meeting a bride-to-be on a plane and she happens to be the director of volleyball for the University of Iowa?

Are you a believer yet?  Well, here's another one...What are the odds of meeting the maestro for the Philharmonic Orchestra and he happens to be the honorary tournament director for a local tennis club where you're working out, he sells "lunch with the Maestro" at the silent auction but you bump into him while having dinner and you end up dining with him and his family?

What are the odds that you are the first person to greet the mayor of the city you're visiting when he asks to come to your training session to introduce himself and you get the perfect photo opportunity with the mayor and Wilson?

What are the odds that you get interviewed by a Japanese television station because they recognize Wilson and they want to know why you're walking around with him?

All of these "random" events happened this year.  I'm beginning to think I really didn't adopt Wilson...he adopted me.

Let me ask you a couple more questions.  What do you think the odds are that a couple of companies who hold the rights to Wilson will grant permission for Wilson to appear in my next book?  Finally, what are the odds that Wilson and I appear on the Ellen show together so I can give Wilson back to Tom Hanks, the actor who created Wilson when he planted his bloody handprint on the volleyball in the movie, Castaway?

Stay tuned.  I'm fairly certain the "random" occurrences aren't going to stop any time soon.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Become a Master of Rejection

Rejection is a mindset.  Focus your attention on the obstacle and you will become a champion of defeat.  I prefer to ponder what lies on the other side of rejection.  This is difficult to do sometimes because rejection for most is personal.  I know people who blame themselves for all the rejection that shows up.

I keep asking myself, "what's the lesson?"  I also like to ask God for Divine assistance getting past the rejection.  It helps to toss in some gratitude for the rejection you're getting.  Why?  Because rejection helps you become the person you need to be in order to overcome the obstacles.

Today is a great day to master the art of rejection.  It's never a "no," it's always a "not yet."  What's on the other side of your "not yet"?  Have a great day.

Monday, November 4, 2019

When the Insignificant Becomes Significant

Think about the love of your life.  Do you know the exact moment you fell in love?  How about when your partner fell in love with you?  Do you recall the precise moment?  The same is true with your calling in life.  Do you remember the day you woke up and said, "I'm a (fill in the blank)?"

Your life is a series of seemingly insignificant moments and choices that add up to something extraordinary as long as you remain consistent and stay in the game.

If someone asked me how many hoops I would jump through to prove my love for my wife, this is my reply..."all of them."

Never underestimate the value of the insignificant.  Never listen to the naysayer who simply misunderstands the value of daily effort.  Jump through the hoops.  Do what it takes to refine your gifts.  Show up.  Say "I love you." It's done best when you can do this without words.  Have a great day.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fort Snelling is Closed Until Memorial Day

I wasn't the only one who tried to enter Fort Snelling yesterday.  My hope was to meet with one of the employees who shared her Indian heritage with me when I visited last week and do a followup interview.  The fort is closed until Memorial Day.

I have enough information to move forward with my plans even though my interview would have been helpful. The biggest obstacle I'm facing is securing permission to publish Wilson's images in my book.  I plan to reach out to Twentieth Century Fox with another request and will send them my latest photos this afternoon.  I hope the door opens sooner than the gate reopens at Fort Snelling.  Have a great day.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Important Interview Today

Today may be one of my most important days ever in my quest to discover my family history.  When I first ventured into my wife's homestate, news spread quickly I was interested in cemeteries.  Not much has changed.  In fact, my desire to dig up my family ancestry is stronger than ever.  Perhaps it's because I'm surrounded by so many family connections to the civil war era while I'm on a day job assignment in Minnesota.

If all goes well, Wilson and I will spend some time with a woman who knows better than most what happened when our country was expanding in the New Frontier.  She is from the Dakota tribe, one of two tribes that dominated the Minnesota area before it became a state.  My hope is to learn more details about our shared past.  Our time together was cut short last week while I toured Fort Snelling.  I'm returning this morning after my tennis drills located at "the fort" next door to the historic property.  I believe she has much to share.  If she gives permission to share her interview with others, I do believe this could be an exciting chapter in my upcoming book, "Adventures with Wilson."  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Financial Freedom is 28% Complete

10 months down and 26 to go.  The debt reduction game I came up with at the beginning of the year is looking much better now that I'm getting a grip on my personal finances.  The first 7 bogeys were frustrating but I kept making adjustments until I found the sweet spot.  It's official now that October is closed out.  That's the third par in a row which means I paid enough additional principal to reach my preset goals.

Financial independence means different things to different people.  For me, it means I can have more time to explore the world without concern about monthly mortgage payments.  It means I can support good causes without tight budget constraints.  I believe debt discipline now is better than mortgage payments in the retirement years. 

If I want to win my financial independence by the end of the 36 month par for the course game, soon I will need to come up with some eagles.  Each month offers an opportunity to learn new ways to improve my game.  Stay with me during the next 26 months and I'll share my progress with you.  Every day matters.  Have a great day.