Sunday, March 17, 2024

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy birthday to cousin Patty, and our daughter, Nicole.  We are celebrating your special day today in the white mountains of Arizona.  May you both be abundantly blessed.  Thinking of you.   

St. Patrick's Day is my favorite day of the year.  On this day I would like to make an announcement about the birth of my latest book.  Like all previous projects, this birth requires intensive care.  The front and back covers require corrective surgery before I can share "Live Long and Prosper: A Journey of Transformation" with the world.  

While you are waiting, you may want to preorder a Kindle version on Amazon.  Type Live Long and Prosper and include my name, Michael Mulligan.  Your Kindle version will be delivered to you on March 21st, another significant day in our family as two sisters are born on this day.

I would like to thank those of you who sent good thoughts and prayers during my 100 days of social media silence.  Today will mark the first day I return to share news of my book release.  For those of you expecting twin books, all I can say today is these twins will be Irish twins.  Keep me in your prayers.  Have a great day.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

May green be the grass you walk on, May blue be the skies above you, 

That pure be the joys that surround you, May true be the hearts that love you.

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