Friday, March 22, 2024

Approaching Mile Marker 35

One of my favorite topics when chatting with long-married couples revolves around the lessons they've learned over the years. Even as our 35th wedding anniversary approaches in July, there are moments when I still feel like a newcomer. My primary focus currently centers on improving my listening skills. Reflecting on my married life so far, I can clearly discern the repercussions of not listening.

Reaching the milestone of 35 years feels significant. I no longer take anything for granted. Regardless of which mile marker I find myself at, one thing remains abundantly clear: listening is paramount. A pivotal moment for me was a near-fatal car accident six years ago, which could have been avoided had I heeded my wife's advice. That accident served as a wake-up call. It also taught me the importance of gratitude. I now view each day I'm alive as a bonus, and doubly so because it's another day I get to spend with my wife.

On days like today, when road conditions are hazardous, I want my wife to know that I'm taking every precaution to stay safe. Only God knows how many days we have left. It's not merely the quantity of days that matters, but the quality of those days. Have a great day.

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