Friday, March 1, 2024

Changing Gears in March

 With the completion of the manuscript, I'm shifting gears in March and finally have some leisure time. On my reading list next is "The View from the Bridge" by Nicholas Meyer, director of Star Trek II and VI. I stumbled upon the book after a chance encounter with one of Meyer's college buddies. I've been missing the joy of reading; before immersing myself in my book projects, I used to devour a book every month. Meyer's book has accompanied me every morning during my extended writing sessions, right next to a photo I took during a visit to the Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan exhibit in Las Vegas in late 2002.

There's one final task before I release "Live Long and Prosper" to the world. It's a significant undertaking, but it's mostly out of my hands. I'm currently seeking permission to use the Vulcan hand gesture on the front cover, which is held under copyright by CBS studios. With the artwork completed and my readiness to proceed, I'm hopeful for a favorable outcome. Stay tuned, and have a great day.

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